
"Quittin" Time in Afghanistan

As Eric Margolis writes so eloquently in the "Toronto Sun", an election held under the guns of a foreign occupation army cannot be called legitimate or democratic, and the stage-managed vote in Afghanistan for candidates chosen by western "powers" is unlikely to bring either peace or tranquility to this unfortunate nation that has already suffered thirty years of war:

Random death from evil drones bearing death and destruction from "pilots", many miles away in the relative safety of the United States. From their perspective, no resident of Afghanistan is safe from their god-like, or should I say: "Thor-like" penchant for random violence and murder.

How would our citizens in the USA react to random death from an Afghani drone cruising over our highways, killing commuters going to their jobs during rush-hour traffic.

Far fetched? Not necessarily. It just takes a few drones launched from an "unfriendly" neighbor of our country, which is not afraid of our retaliation.

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