
Don't Mess with Afghanistan!!!

Jane Stillwater has it RIGHT! Had we permitted George W. to treat America to a third term, our current policy in that bloody country of Afghanistan, where superpowers go to be humiliated, would be exactly the same as under the "new", and "modern" Obama regime: Please click on the title to read more, including not only Jane's perceptive report - "Don't Mess with Afghanistan", but also that of Robert Scheer: "Obama's Meaningless War". It was because of "W"that We, the Veterans of another futile war (for me it was 'Nam), formed veteransagainsttorture.com in the futile hope that our honorable service to our great nation not be dragged through our enemies' muddy interpretation of our freely-given measure of pain and torment.

Those of us who voted for Obama sincerely believed that we could now hold our head proudly among the other nations. Unfortunately, WE WERE WRONG!!

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