
German Anti-Partisan Guide - Warfare Against "Bands", Dated 6th May, 1944

This old document by the "evil" Germans might be used by "our" US armed forces today, merely by changing a few dates and eliminating, as usual, any concerns about killing any innocent civilians:
"Actions against bands necessitates close co-operation between the military authorities, the Reichsfuehrer-SS, and the civil authorities. In actions against bands, the following techniques have been used so far with success: Encirclement of the bands and "cleaning out" of the encircled area. (To me, that seems to include any civilians, including any women or children, which had the audacity to take up arms against our glorious army and its obviously superior government) But I digress: "In the fight against bands territorial borders are to be disregarded. If during a battle, the undertaking spreads over adjoining territory, it has to be continued without fail. The early participation of adjoining units in the planning of larger actions secures their timely intervention."
"Destruction through surprise attack and hunt. If the forces or time are not sufficient for encirclement, or difficult ground makes it impossible, the bands, even without previous encirclement, have to be attacked, defeated and hunted until they are completely destroyed."
If you dig out an old copy of "Lawrence of Arabia", and you go to the part where the "noble" Englishman screams: "NO PRISONERS" to his indigenous army, you get the picture of what we are doing to the innocent families of Afghanistan!
May God have mercy on your souls, if you choose to participate in this murderous war.

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