
Peace Action: "Obama can go to hell"

Paul Kawika Martin, one of the leaders of the anti-war movement, disclosed that there had been a lot of angry comments aimed at Obama during a conference call with progressives from the US: "I heard a woman say 'Obama can go to hell'. That was from someone who had campaigned for him." Martin, political director of Peace Action, added: "I am hearing a visceral reaction among the grassroots who are very disappointed. People did want to give Obama a chance, but that honeymoon period is clearly ending."Such sentiments can be heard at social gatherings round Washington where liberals meet and can be seen in the daily debates on liberal blog sites such as Huffington Post, Daily Kos, Firedoglake and Talking Points Memo. MoveOn.org, whose members campaigned hard for Obama last year, helped raise funds for him throughout the early stages of his administration, turned on him and unequivocally denounced him: " President Obama has ordered about 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan - escalating the war. But escalation only deepens our involvement in a quagmire. The president needs to hear that we want to bring the troops home, not send more to Afghanistan".

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