
Is America Yearning for Fascism?

Cynthia McKinney, who ran for president on the Green Party ticket, says that we are not ruled by two parties, but by one: "It is the party of money and war, and we have to take our great nation away from those who have hijacked it."
The Democrats are so oblivious to the personal and economic despair sweeping our country that they think offering the unemployed the right to keep their unemployed children on their non -existent health care policies is a step forward.
The longer we appeal to the Democrats, who are merely servants of corporate interests, the more stupid and ineffective we become. Only 25 percent of those polled by a NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll believed that "their" government could be trusted to protect the interests of the American people, and they are right.
We are bound to a party that has betrayed every principle we claim to espouse, from universal health care to an end to our government's permanent war economy, to a concern for the jobs of the working class.
Please read the entire article, by the former war correspondent, Chris Hedges, in TruthDig, 30 March 2010!

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