
US Special Forces tried to cover up their massacres in Khataba!

Before I served as Advisory Team Leader in Vietnam, I was very impressed by the John Wayne Epic: The Green Berets, and I wanted to contribute my own strength to work for the "freedom" of Vietnam's indigenous population. As we all know, movies do not reflect reality, but are designed from the ground up, to persuade some stupid idiot to work for our "evil" government. Well, they are all evil, as far as I am concerned, but ours, especially President Obama, appears to be motivated by a decidedly evil higher power to break new records in the perfidious exploitation of the genuine patriotic sentiments of our brave soldiers.
After a night raid, our Special Forces tried to cover up their crimes, by digging bullets out of their victims' bodies in the aftermath of a botched night raid, then washed the wounds with alcohol before lying to their superiors about what happened. Two pregnant women, a teenage girl, a police officer and his brother were shot on February 12 when US and Afghan special forces stormed their home in Khataba village, just outside of Gardez in eastern Afghanistan. The precise composition of the force has never been made public, but the original claims by NATO point to a cover-up by our American government and our Afghan allies.
Please click on the title of this post to follow "the rest of the story."

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