
What in the hell is going on in Kyrgyzstan??

Last week's riots in Kyrgyzstan's capital, following the earlier riots in the capital Bishkek, allow us to understand the fragile nature of our American Afghan army's supply line vulnerability. It was the US that was there in 2005 that Bakiyev, tried to have the best of both "big power worlds", brashly threatening to close the US airbase in his country, after signing a cushy aid deal with Russia, though he reversed himself when the US agreed to more than triple the rent to $60 million a year, and "kick in" another $100m in aid - it's just our taxes at work, and Obama knows we will always pay up - or else! Nevertheless, as Eric McGlinchey in the New York Times points out, Kyrgyzstan is in Russia's backyard, and the fact that we depend on our airbase there for OUR Afghan war does not change that!

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