
Listen to one of North America's leading writers on North America's leading writers!

The Soviet intervention into Afghanistan was a 'golden' opportunity for our CIA to transfer the tribal resistance into a 'holy' war, an Islamic jihad to expel the 'godless' communists from Afghanistan. Over the years, the United States and Saudi Arabia expended about $40 billion on the war in Afghanistan. The CIA and its allies recruited, supplied, and trained almost 100,000 radical Mujahideen from forty Muslim countries, including Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Algeria, and Pakistan. Among those who answered the call was Saudi-born millionaire right-winger Osama bin Laden. The most prolific writer who stepped forward to advise the citizens of our United States of our folly in being lured into accepting the follies of our corrupt politicians has written several vital books which we will desperately need. He is, in fact, one of North America's leading radical writers on US imperialism, fascism, democracy (if you like that sort of thing) if one of our goals includes the understanding of our system of government. He has written for 250 major magazines and 15 excellent and incisive books, which will certainly astonish you and your family, especially the young men in your family, which are about to be crippled for life in our nation's unnecessary wars! Please look him up on U-tube, where he is a constant contributor!

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