
Rabbi Dov Zakheim: The Jewish Mastermind of 911?

Rabbi Dov Zakheim was Chief Executive Officer of System Planning Corporation's International Division until President George W. Bush appointed him Undersecretary of Defense and Comptroller of the Pentagon. Before he accepted that office, Rabbi Zakheim co-authored an article entitled "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century" which was published by The Project for a New American Century in September 2000, exactly a year before 9/11. On page 51, it states that "the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor". Let me again explain that before he got his job in the Pentagon, Rabbi Zakheim's company was renowned for the design, manufacture, and distribution of highly sophisticated technology that enables an operator to fly by remote control as many as eight different airborne vehicles at the same time from one position, either on the ground, or airborne. The hardware is only about the size of a small refrigerator, and, now that everyone knows its availability, and usefulness in destroying our world through the sabotage of our airlines, it might even be on a close-out sale at System Planning, where terrorists shop, to create a "New American Century". Please click on the heading to place your order now: Operators are standing by!!

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