
The Trial of President Obama: Part 1

This is Part 1 of Alex Pareene's report on the ATLAH World Ministries trial of Barack Obama: Reverent Manning, who initiated the trial believes that the American people will recognize the legitimacy of the verdict, demanding that punishment be enacted: The first charge is treason and sedition. Specifically, Rev. Manning contends that Columbia University "sold" a diploma to Barack Obama, though he had never even set foot on their ground, since he was with the CIA at the time. In the diverse crowd at the trial, white folk from the South mingled cheerfully with black women dressed for church. Several young Ron Paul supporters chatted with a 50-something potential juror from Long Island, while Anthony Tolda, a Constitution Party candidate for Congress, distributed a copy of the Constitution and his campaign "spiel". Others - Jean and her husband Don, had traveled all the way from Hawaii. The sign outside the ATLAH World Missionary Church is a word soup of charges against Obama, in part reading: "A Taliban Muslim Illegally Elected President of the United States". According to neighbors of the church, it's been up for two years, with occasional changes.
For the full story, please click on http://www.salon.com/

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