

In his classic work: "A tale of two cities" Charles Dickens wrote: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times - it was the age of wisdom. It was the age of foolishness." The innocent people of Iraq, many of whom had to toil in their bombed-out homes, after we "liberated" Iraq from an alleged dictator, were forced to toil under another one, whom our newspapers call George W. Bush. Now, the mothers and fathers of that country are forced to watch their new-born babies afflicted with birth defects which I witnessed from Iraqis on the web, but are too horrible to see: In an act of stark cruelty, the US dominated Sanctions Committee refuses to permit Iraq to import clean-up equipment that they desperately need to decontaminate their country of the "Depleted" Uranium ammunition that our country: The United States, fired at them. Approximately 315 TONS of DU dust was left by the use of this ammunition. In another part of this atrocity, the "Sanctions Committee" also refuses to allow the mass importation of anti-cancer treatments, which contain trace amounts of radio-isotopes, on the grounds that these constitute "nuclear materials".
Please click on the headline to read the rest of this story. As a combat Veteran of our misguided adventure in Vietnam, I am now ashamed of our government for which I risked my life so many, many times.

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