
The Gaza Flotilla: How Israel Fakes Photos of "Seized Weapons"

My evidence is from an excellent website, appropriately called politicaltheatrics.net. Its all there, for those who have eyes to see, and who refuse to be blinded by Israeli Government bullshit: First, a little humor, from the Israeli ministry of foreign affairs' Flickr page, who swear, if we are foolish enough to believe them, that the so-called weapons seized on the ships taking part in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla provide ample evidence of the deviousness of those darned anti-semitic terrorists. But be forewarned: the pictures on that web page are NOT for the faint-hearted, and some of these pictures are not from the "so-called" weapons which these brave Israeli soldiers had allegedly found. In fact, many go back as far as February 2006, and most were made on even farther dates. Perhaps there are even some from the Israeli murder of the crew of our American ship, the USS Liberty, before the brave Israeli Airforce machine-gunned the entire crew, and sent those who somehow managed to survive to the bottom of the ocean. Our American sailors were probably rabidly anti-semitic, and therefore deserved to die.

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