
Israel's Plan was to kill the Activists and Deter Future Convoys!

Adolf Hitler, and the Nazi's who governed Germany would have been proud of the current Israeli Government, who had the temerity to kill the unarmed civilians on board of the international flotilla which tried to take humanitarian aid to Gaza. Haneen Zoubi, one of the eye-witnesses of that massacre, said that Israeli naval vessels had surrounded the flotilla's flagship, the Mavi Marma, and fired on it a few commandos descended from a helicopter directly above them: Terrified passengers had been forced off the deck when water was sprayed at them. Within minutes of the beginning of the descent of the Israeli Storm-Troopers, three bodies had been brought to the main room on the upper deck. Two had gunshot wounds to the head, in what may have been executions at very close range. Two other passengers slowly bled to death, after Israeli soldiers ignored messages in Hebrew, which the frantic occupants of the vessel had held up at the window, calling for medical help to save them. Eyewitnesses also saw seven other passengers who had been seriously wounded. It seemed clear that Israel had several days to plan this massacre. Apparently, the Israelis wanted as many deaths as possible, in order to terrorise the activists on that ship, so that no future aid convoys would try to break the siege of Gaza. When I served as the Intelligence Operations Officer of our US 4th Armored Division in Goeggingen, Germany, I was the first man to receive the horrible news of the Israeli massacre of our USS Liberty. Colonel Aakkula ordered me to bring the news to General Sherrer, the commander of our division. The General's only comment was: "With friends like these, we have no need of enemies!!" Well, it seems our "friends", to whom so much of our aid money goes, have once more proven the value of their "friendship"!
Yet, at the same time, Pro-Israel Democrats are defending this immoral, and entirely unjustifiable murderous raid: New York Democratic Reps Anthony Weiner, Jerold Nadler, Gary Ackerman, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, and Rep Ron Klein (D-Fla) have vigorously supported Israel's boarding of an aid ship bound for the blockaded Gaza - an act that has resulted of more than ten deaths, and a UN condemnation. The comments expose the hatred between the White House, and some 'staunch' defenders of Israel in Congress. On the one hand, Robert Gibbs, the White House Press Secretary, said that the administration is "greatly supportive" of Israel's security. Though the White House said that the administration (the guys that are whacking innocent civilians in Afghanistan) suddenly found religion, and are now promising an "investigation". Our weak-kneed Obama administration, as long as Israel is not involved, also said that "the United States Congress understand why the blockade was in place against Hamas and support it, Weiner said - we obviously had a bad weekend. Mr. Weiner - I can assure you that the entire human race agrees with your opinion, as long as you do not seek to rule out a decent life style for the unfortunate Palestinians, who are trapped in your murderous Jewish Country, which your rabid commandos have held hostage by force of arms.
"Sieg Heil"dem Israeli Fuehrer.

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