
US Reacts to Jewish Temper Tantrum!

Anthony H. Cordesman, who holds the Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC, tells us that America's ties to Israel are not based primarily on US strategic interests, since any benefits to the US are negligible. On the other hand, the United States has provided Israel with massive amounts of economic aid, and still provides enough military assistance to its unruly friend to preserve Israel's military superiority over its neighbors. At the same time, the depth of America's moral commitment does not justify or excuse actions by an Israeli government that make Israel a strategic liability, when it should remain an "asset". These would include the strategic bombing in Lebanon during the Israeli-Hezbollah conflict, escalating its attack on Gaza long after it had achieved its key objectives, embarrassing the US president by announcing the expansion of Israeli building programs in East Jerusalem at a critical moment in US efforts to put Israeli-Palestinian peace talks back on track, or sending commandos to seize a Turkish ship in a horribly mismanaged effort to halt the "peace flotilla" going to Gaza.
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