
Difficult Life Awaits Returning American Soldiers

As thousands of American troops prepare to return from a war zone, many will wind up homeless. In San Diego, California, thousands of vets from the Afghanistan and Iraqi wars are sleeping on the streets. According to RT (Russia Today), Navy Veteran Brian Little, who has been suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome since his discharge, he has not been able to find work in his city, so he has now become suicidal. A female veteran, Pamela Brisson, who has been taking care of her 9-year old son, Chris, "A lot of people really don't know what to expect or where to go to get the help they need." She served in Afghanistan and has been homeless for two years. The largest growing population of homeless women in San Diego consists of veterans returning from current combats, according to those who operate shelters in that city. Her son has been able to maintain straight A's, even while bouncing around from shelter to shelter, and often sleeping on the street. Brisson admits it is easy to become discouraged when our government doesn't want to help. According to our federal government, help is NOT on the way! SHAME!!!

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