
Now, only the Story About BP's Mistakes is Running Away!

Last week, "our" government announced, as front-page news on the "Times", that 4.9 million "runaway" barrels of oil had poured into the gulf since April of this year, and that, according to an
"official" government report, all but 26% of it was now 'miraculously' gone. Personally, I have always distrusted such miracles, unless the disciples of our Lord Jesus have been order by our Master himself to give our rotten politicians a way out of their enormous and heinous sins. That aside, there is absolutely no way in which I would sanction this Times story as even potentially true! Of course, given the strange, and incestuous relationship between the Obama administration and BP in the Gulf, including suppressing or discrediting scientific research (check JeffRense's URL for the Truth, which is, as they say, "out there"), for the REAL Truth. Jeff's huge site is essentially a treasure trove of the REAL truth, and Jeff is a National Treasure. The "newspapers", including the "New York Times, only exists to obfuscate what little of the REAL Truth is still permitted to exist in our troublesome existence.
Please click on http:www.smirkingchimp.com for as much of the truth you are still permitted to read.

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