
What You're Not Supposed to Know about WAR

Even just, defensive wars inevitably empower the state far beyond anything any strict constructionist would approve of. War means central planning, heavy taxation, fascist or socialist economics, attacks on free speech and other civil liberties, and the destruction of private enterprise, which provides the durable structure of all solidly based economic systems, while a war 'economy' robs the essential resources for all viable economic enterprises. The alternative means central planning, heavy taxation, fascist or socialist economics, attacks on free speech or other civil liberties, and the destruction of private enterprise. "We" must advocate and accept Big Govern- ment for the "duration" - for neither an offensive nor a defensive war can be waged except with a totalitarian bureaucracy within our economy. In reality, antiwar factors are only a threat to the military, industrial, and congressional complex, which profits from war, but can not conceivably exist without starving the general public.
Please read the rest of the story by clicking on my headline at http://mises.org/daily/4659

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