
Israelis Insist they have US backing to build in East Jerusalem!!

Though "Israel" says US has agreed to allow building in East Jerusalem, Washington has yet to produce a letter showing it has agreed. Israel insisted it would keep building homes in the disputed East Jerusalem area, threatening to stall a US-proposed building moratorium aimed at reviving peace efforts. As far as Israel is concerned, the Palestinians will only secure the peace of their graves. Despite Washington having agreed to exclude the eastern part of the city from the 90-day moratorium, according to Israeli officials, it had still not sent a detailed letter on the alleged "understanding". Palestinians want building to halt in the West Bank and in Jerusalem, which they claim as their state. The US "hopes" a renewed moratorium will let Israel and the Palestinians work towards a deal on their future borders. However, a day after the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanjahu, said a deal was imminent, the US still had not sent a promised letter detailing the understandings on the proposed moratorium. Netanjahu's spokesman, Mark Regev, would not discuss details of the talks between the two governments. But he said any moratorium would not apply to Jerusalem, whose eastern sector was annexed by Israel in 1967 in a move not recognized by the international community.

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