
Why the world might consider following Russia's lead

According to the Moscow Times, Iran tested its first nuclear plant on February 26, 2009, with the help of Russian officials, though Russia does bot want Iran to have nuclear missiles any more than our United States does: On September 22, 2010, President Dmitry Medvedev signed a ban to stop deliveries of Russia's S-300 missile systems to Iran, explaining that no country is perfect, but requesting that other nations could follow Russia's lead by helping other nations obtain the weapons necessary for their defense. On January 2009, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, in his speech at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, warned against governments intervening excessively in their countries' economies, citing that Putin was able to enjoy a commendable level of prosperity to his country by reducing taxes and investing in the economy. As a result, Putin brought prosperity to Russia, thereby opening a new dawn in her history: Previously, high costs of maintaining a mighty military presence made economic growth difficult. Now, Russia is prosperous, and reducing taxes, as well as opening a new era in Russia's history.
Please click on my headline to read the full story of Russia's economic rebirth, by cutting defense spending.

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