
Yemen - New Venue for US Geopolitical Great Game

When Adolf Hitlers was in trouble with our German economy, he decided to invade Poland, in order to divert the attention of his ignorant and restless masses from our serious economic problems. The ruse did work, but we paid for it with the lives of our dead soldiers, and aroused the anger of the entire civilized world. The rest, as they say, is history. Now, the Obama administration has apparently decided to follow Hitler's demented path: After the obvious failure of our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, President Obama is looking at the possibility of war against Yemen, as a new venue of their great geopolitical game. The power which controls Yemen also controls the most vital sea routes from Europe to the Middle East, South and Southeast Asia. By initiating attacks either at a US-bound aircraft or synagogues somewhere in the US, we are able to stir up a hornets nest which will give us the war we now desperately need. We were able to identify two packages containing explosives on cargo planes which initially flew from Sanaa,Yemen, with destinations in the US. One of these was found in Dubai, the other in East Midlands Airport near Nottingham, England. Both were carried by UPS, though the other by FedEx was addressed to synagogues in Chicago. "Security officials" were quick in attributing the "plot" to the Yemeni section of Al-Qaeda. Intensive searches of all cargo and passengers baggage in several US airports show that 26 more suspicious packages were detained in Yemen. On Saturday, Yemeni officials arrested a 22-year-old woman Hanan al-Samawi, a suspect in the plot, who was released on Sunday. CAN YOU SPELL CIA??

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