
Americans suffering, but our capitalists have record profits!

According to the Russian Pravda site, the perversity of American capitalism emerges in the statistics on earnings in the US. Capitalist corporations are doing well, despite the deep economic crisis in our country. Data published in November by our government indicates that the profits of large companies have reached record levels in the third quarter of this year, with a gain of more than 1.6 trillion dollars, almost dwarfing our GDP of 15 trillion dollars, the highest total since our government has been keeping records on corporate profits. Total corporate profits had grown 28% over the same period in 2009. The number of unemployed in our country now totals 15.1 million in November, according to government statistics. The difference between these profits and our employment figures may be an indication of the perverse, and sometimes vicious face of capitalism. Three years after the beginning of our recession, our crisis is no longer a problem for major capitalists, but our workers are severely depressed by their low wages, and the hopes which they had for the Obama administration!!

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