
Bradley Manning Speaks About His Conditions

Bradley Manning, the 24-year-old Army private accused of leaking classified information to Wiki -leaks, has been held in the brig at Quantico Marine Corp Base for five months in inhumane conditions, with severe restrictions on his ability to exercise, communicate, or even sleep. Manning has NOT been convicted of any crime, nor is there a certain date for any court hearing. The conditions of Bradley Manning's confinement became a top issue in the press last week, as blog- gers traded blows with US officials over allegations that Manning endures inhumane treatment at the Quantico, VA detainment facility. In the midst of this rush by the "Defense Department" to contextualize Manning's confinement, David House traveled to see the man himself at the Marine Corps detainment facility in Quantico, VA. In his visit to see Bradley, it became clear that the Pentagon's public spin from last week sharply contradicts the reality of Bradley Manning's detainment. In his FIVE MONTHS of detention, it has become obvious that Manning's physical and mental well-being are deteriorating. His attorneys have already urged that it is necessary to have the "Prevention of Injury" order lifted, which severely restricts his ability to exercise, communicate, and sleep. Nevertheless, Manning has just been nominated as the most under-appreciated hero of 2010 by Johann Hari of the British Independent newspaper, and his deeds will one day be written in our world's history books!

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