
First, the Voice of REASON, Then the PROBLEMS of Obama

Audit the Fed in 2011: Thank GOD for last week's announcement, that Ron Paul WILL chair the congressional subcommittee that oversees the Federal Reserve. The media response has been overwhelming, and the groundswell of opposition to Fed actions among ordinary citizens is reflected not only in the rhetoric coming out of Capitol Hill, but also in the tremendous interest shown by the financial press. The demand for transparency is growing, whether the political and financial establish- ment likes it, or not. The Fed is losing its vaunted status as an institution that somehow is above politics and public scrutiny. Fed transparency will be the cornerstone of Ron's efforts as sub-committee chairman.
Now, an important comment by David Michael Green:"Wow! What got into Obama?? The 'passion' he's finally showing is for a horrific piece of legislation, and the people he's dumping on are his own base? David says his "mocking anger" - on full display at his press conference this week, is driven by shame, and he thinks that his mocking anger is a way of hiding from his own embarrassment. Even his mother would now not approve of the sell-out he has become. Perhaps he knows that the Obama of just two years ago would not approve of the loser occupying his body today. In short, Obama knows that he is an astonishingly complete coward, a wimp of epic proportions, though he appears to be aware that his cowardice is the wreckage of millions of lives as well as his own presidency.

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