
Is "Wikileaks" a deliberate Fraud by "OUR" Government??

All of us have been "hoodwinked" by the founder of "Wikileaks". As the former Intelligence Operations Officer of our 4th US Armored Division in Germany, I should have known better! - At the time our Soviet Adversary called this deception: " In October 2010, Wikileaks was reported to have released 400,000 "classified" Iraq war documents, covering events from 2004 to 2009. This information provided "further evidence of the Pentagon's role in the systematic torture of Iraqi citizens by the US installed post-Saddam regime.", but there is MORE than meets the eye. Even before the launching of this project, the 'mainstream' media had contacted Wikileaks. At the outset, in early 2oo7, Wikileaks claimed that it was founded by Chinese dissidents, mathematicia- ians, and start-up company technologists, from the US, Taiwan, Europe, Australia and South Africa. According to the company, its advisory board included representatives from expat Russian and Tibetan refugee communities, reporters, a former US intelligence analyst and cryptographers. Supposedly, Wikileaks would be an "uncensorable" version of Wikipedia for untraceable mass document leaking and analysis. Their primary interests would be oppressive regimes in Asia, the former Soviet bloc, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East, but the organization would also be of assistance to those in the west, who wished to reveal illegal or immoral behavior in their own governments and corporations. Assange also intimated that exposing secrets could bring down many administrations that rely on concealing reality, including the US administration. For the full story, please click on the headline, to read the sordid details of the fraudulent creation of Wikileaks!!

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