
Oil Attorney Challenges Safety of Gulf Seafood!!

Using state-of-the-art laboratory analysis, toxicologists, chemists and marine biologists retained by Gulf oil attorney Stuart Smith, he is proving that Gulf seafood is a danger to public health, contradicting the Obama government assurances that eating the catches since the Gulf oil "spill" is safe. The 'government' seafood testing program which focuses on the seafood free of the cancer-causing components of crude oil, has overlooked other harmful elements: Smith's testing, that examined fewer samples but more comprehensively, "shows high levels of hydrocarbons from the BP spill, that are associated with liver damage." William Sawyer, a toxicologist on Smith's team stated: "What we have found is that FDA simply overlooked an important aspect of safety in their protocol. We now have a sufficient number of samples to provide FDA with probable cause to include such testing. They need to go back and test some of their archived samples as well." Previously, Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Margaret A. Hamburg stated at the time of the reopening Gulf fisheries in October, "There is no question gulf seafood coming to market is safe from oil or dispersant residue."

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