
Why Are Wars Not Being Reported Honestly?

Treason never prospers, but for one reason: When treason prospers, none dare call it TREASON!!
What we have here, in the person of a person who had the audacity to bring some sort of justice into our otherwise brutal world, a man who genuinely believes that our public needs to know the truth about wars, though journalists have colluded with our governments to hoodwink us. In the US Army manual on counterinsurgency, the American commander General David Petraeus describes Afghanistan as a "war of perception", conducted continuously by using the news media. What REALLY matters is not so much the day-to-day battles against the Taliban as the way the "adventure" is sold in America, where "the media directly influence the attitude of key audiences." Journalist John Pilger was reminded of the Venezuelan general who led a coup against the democratic government in 2002. "We had a secret weapon", he boasted. "We had the media, especially TV. You got to have the media." At Chicksands in Bedfordshire, the British Ministry of Defence's psychological warfare establishment , media trainers devote themselves to the task, immersed in a jargon world of "information dominance", "asymmetric threats" and "cyberthreats". They share premises with those who teach the interrogation methods that have led to a public inquiry into the British military torture in Iraq. Disinformation and the barbarity of colonial war have much in common! Thus writes John Pilger, a hardened war correspondent, who knows most of today's "world conflicts" like the back of his hand!!
Please read the rest of his story by clicking on my headline!!

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