
Wikileaks is an ISRAELI MOSSAD operation!!!

Now it can be told: Wikileaks is a Mossad operation, a war by deception, using the New York Times, The Guardian, The Washington Post, as well as many other of their "assets". We can now safely say , not only is Wikileaks Israel, but it is also the New York Times, the voice of Israel in America: Julian Assange's lawyer Mark Stephens Innocent, a major London elite law firm, also 'happens to be the legal adviser to the Rothschild Waddesdon Trust. The New York Times sdmits its complicity with Wikileaks, though that connection is far less innocent than depicted! In addition, Zbiegniew Brzezinski refers to Wikileaks as an "intelligence agency". What was presented to the world as an altruistic organization seeking truth is now known as something much more sinister, and Brzezinski now readily admits that Wikileaks is a front for an "intelligence agency." There is no better proof of the nature of Wikileaks than the attacks it makes on Turkey. Once, Turkey and Israel had cordial relations. Now that relationship is forever spoiled, supposedly because Turkey has been working with "Al Qaeda." In reality, that organization does not exist, but was merely an invention used to justify invasions into the Islamic world. When Israel wanted to attack Iraq, 5,000 Americans died, yet not ONE Israeli! Israeli "commandos" cried like babies after they had brutally massacred the civilians on the Mavi Marmara, but Mavi Marmara, a former US Marine, captured three of them, in order to be certain that they would atone for their crimes!

1 comment:

  1. this is very good and depth idea thank you for this repot
