
Another Nuremberg in the Making? Our Intelligence Agencies Use Physicians for Torture!

In Activist Post, John Galt writes of a series of revelations by our American Intelligence Agencies which are employing Physicians to Torture our country's Detainees. Americans seem largely unaware that our country, supposedly founded upon principles of due process and individual rights, now appears to have been overthrown by Gestapo-like factions of government that uses trained physicians to carry out torture, in the supposed defense of this nation. Although what has been uncovered so far does not yet approach the scale of Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union's Gulag's, the methods are surprisingly similar. State sanctioned torture is a hallmark of tyranny, and inevitably leads to the collapse of the country that legalizes it. An AP exclusive report recently released, reveals that detainees in the "War on Terror" were whisked away from Gitmo before the American judicial system could account for them. The AP article states that the "transfer"allowed the US to interrogate the detainees in CIA black sites for two more years without allowing them to speak with attorneys or human rights observers or challenge their detention in US courts. Had they remained at the Guantanamo Bay prison for just three more months, they would have been afforded those rights. Please the entire sordid story at http://www.activistpost.com/2010/08

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