
In Israel They Shackle Palestinian Children!

Perhaps the most shocking indication of the moral bankruptcy of the "state of Israel" is the way they treat the Palestinian children. Only two Palestinian parents are permitted to come to their childrens' trial. This is usually the only time they are permitted to see their son. Though they are allowed to bring cigarettes and money, nothing else is permitted, not even medications, tissues, food, a book, or a newspaper. One man manged to smuggle in a roll of toilet paper, despite the order forbidding tissues. Courtroom number 2 is the children's court, and it only operates every Monday, from 9AM until 6PM. In this case, the judge is Sharon Rivlin Ahai. One boy follows another, each wearing a brown prison garb, with chained feet and shackled hands. Of course, in each case, one hand is shackled to that of another boy. Some of the boys are so small, that their feet are up in the air, when they are seated on a bench. Most of the children have their home telephone number on their hands, so that they can be certain that they will remember their lifeline to their homes. One 14 year old boy has been in custody for six months, without confessing to any wrong-doing. There will be no release or clemency, until the children become snitches against their fellow Palestinians, and it is easily possible for these young children to remain incarcerated for months.

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