
Israel's War Against Iran IS ON!!!

Do you REALLY want to die for ISRAEL?? SORRY: You have no choice in the matter. After talks in Istanbul between Iran and the West on its nuclear program broke down on January 22, the danger of revival of a military option will probably be considered, especially by the morons who now run our United States! It may not come in the form of a direct, conventional US and/or Israeli strike against Iran's nuclear installations, but rather in the guise of the warfare of the future, with cyber-weapons and terrorism. Political forces opposed to such an escalation in the Iran conflict would do well to examine the reasons why dialogue on the nuclear issue has failed thus far, and reshape their approach to dealing with the Islamic Republic. On the eve of talks between Iran and the West, the German weekly of record published a devastating expose of Israeli covert operations against the Islamic Republic, including targeted assassinations. The cover story of the popular weekly Der Spiegel , entitled "David's Avengers: Israel's secret killer-commandos" hit the newsstands and arrived in subscribers' mailboxes on Monday, January 17, just four days before talks were to open in Turkey, between Iran and the the 5+1 group - the five UN Security Council permanent members plus Germany. www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=22962
I know you want to read the rest of this story, especially to seek shelter with your family between Soviet nuclear weapons begin falling near your house, so click on my headline, and read Muriel Mirak-Weissbach's article on Global Research!!

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