
Presidents? Obama has been as Bad as Bush!!

Mike Whitney, the man who wrote this analysis for Global Research, is right, of course. By selecting Obama as their president, our electorate lowered itself to the lowest level of idiocy. As we all know, Obama, right after being elected, made certain that the presidential follies in which his predecessor engaged, kept Bush's idiotic wars in Iraq and Afghanistan alive, right after picking up a Nobel Prize for his folly. If it were possible, I imagine that Nobel was turning over in his grave, yet Obama has no discernible morals! Just south of our United States, Hugo Chavez used his powers under his country's new "enabling laws"to enact the "Law for Dignified Refuge", a presidential decree which mandates "dignified and humane" housing for all Venezuelans. The Venezuelan parliament approved the controversial, and temporary enabling laws, because the country faced an unprecedented housing crisis due to the country's massive floods in December. More than 125,000 people lost their homes in the disaster requiring a speedy response from the government. Chavez swung into action immediately, turning the presidential palace into a homeless shelter and initiating a campaign to construct permanent housing for the victims. Please click on my headline to read the rest of this story!

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