
Professor John Kozy: Our Media - Selling Views, Calling it News

A few days ago, I posted an important comment by Professor John Kozy, in which he mentioned that American journalists are not "newshounds", but merely regurgitate information which we have already heard hundreds of times from other news sources. Like the press in the former "Soviet Union", our newsmedia consist of nothing more than salesclerks, hocking the products their employers want to sell, and these products are usually nothing more than the hucksters in our old west, who had nothing more than "snake oil " in their covered wagons. A controlled press, he argued, most certainly could not be trusted when reporting on government actions or policies, but he also argued that most certainly that press could not be trusted when reporting on govern- -mental actions or policies, but pointed out that much news is not affected by government, and therefore he saw no reason to be suspicious of a controlled press reporting on such matters, but he also argued that there was good reason to distrust the so-called free press no matter what was being reported: His argument rested on the observation that a controlled press, being funded by its controlling government had no need to attract readers, while the so-called free press had to rely on readers to remain economically viable. The "free" press had to market its wares in the same way that any retail company must, and one way to do that was to slant the news in ways that made it attractive to the news organization's target groups which, in a sense, biased all the stories all the stories the free press reported.
Please click on my headline to read the full story by John Kozy on www.globalresearch.ca

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