
2011 Will Bring the End of Israel as We Know It!

The year 2011 WILL be the end of Israel as we know it: Jeff Halper, who has lived in Israel for about 40 years, understands that country more than anyone on this earth. Most Israelis know that there has never been a "peace process" for his confused little country, but now it's imminent demise is painfully clear. Netanyahu's first election was a wake-up call: A number of Israelis from different organizations got together recently, to think about how to re-engage resistance to Israeli occupation. By talking to Palestinians, we asked them what their priorities are, and the issue of house demolitions always came up: Their comments always involved the bulldozing of their homes, since this is something every Palestinian can relate to. Strangely, Israel denies that it has an occupation of Palestinian land. Since 1967, Israel has refused to grant building permits to Palestinians. When cornered, Israelis start hemming and hawing, because they don't want to talk about occupation, they don't want to hold Israel accountable! The Egyptian revolution changes the dynamic in that part of the world. First of all, it isolates Israel in the Middle East. If Egypt and Jordan goes, Zionism will become associated with neocolonialism, and the US will be seen as part of that!

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