
Is Syria Developing Its Own Nuclear Program?

Earlier, Syria was blamed for the secret development of a nuclear program by Israel, and now our US government has chimed in to those accounts. The Washington Institute for Science and National Security (ISIS) has recently published a series of photographs made from spy satellites that capture a 'strange' building in Syria. Always suspicious, US experts do not rule out the fact that they are looking at secret nuclear facilities. In particular, they are concerned about an object located at a military base near the town of Marj al-Sultan. According to American sources, it was intended to be used for the enrichment of uranium from "yellow cake". Syrians allegedly planned to deliver the treated raw material to their reactor at Al-Kibar, which had been destroyed by Israeli aircraft in September 2007. According to the intelligence services of Israel, North Korean experts helped the Syrians to build the reactor, but some of these were killed during the Israeli strike. In addition to Marj al-Sultan, two more nuclear facilities meant to serve the needs of Al-Kibar were identified in Syria. Damascus has flatly refused to let IAEA inspectors on its territory to verify these reports!

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