
Israeli Cemetary Bulldozer Attack on Palestinian Children!

An Israeli bulldozer at the gate of a Beduin cemetary at Al-Araqib in the Negev Desert advanced against children, injuring some of them. In a report sent to Pravda.Ru by a spokesperson of the Negev Bedouin, it seems there are "red lines" even for police brutality against the Israeli Negev, though destroying homes of Palestinians who did not have "building permits", and other Israeli atrocities are not included in that interpretation of Israeli "good manners". After destroying the tents of the Arab village once more, the JNF bulldozer approached the gate of the cemetery, attempting to run it down and destroy it. This was too much, even for the normally placid village residents, who had to watch while their village was once more the target of Israeli destruction. As the bulldozer approached the gate, the people tried to stop it with their bare hands. Of course, several Palestinians were injured, including children. When the bulldozer finally backed away from the cemetery gate, the Israeli police entered the cemetery to beat the children. In 2005, the Jewish National Fund began a campaign called "Living Room" in the Negev, whose purpose it was to increase the Jewish population in Israel by 500,000. The actions of the Jewish government's bulldozer were probably meant to underline the Jewish government's determination to follow through with that threat!

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