
Qaddafi, Bush and the Big Lie About our Invasion of Iraq!!

Though "OUR" US Government expresses outrage over the brutality of Colonel el-Qadafi toward his own people, we cover up our own guilt about our invasion of Iraq: In May, 2009, a man named Ibn Shaikh al-Libi "supposedly" committed suicide in a Libyan jail. Back in 2002, he was tortured by Egypt under US (read CIA) direction. It "appears" that the reason we had him tortured was NOT to stop some imminent attack on our United States, but to generate false links between Al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein that could justify our invasion of Iraq. It gets worse: Al-Libi was captured and sent to Egypt, where under severe torture, including waterboarding, he "confessed" to false information about purported Saddam-911 links. Al-Libi later explained that he confessed only to end his severe torture by our "wonderful government". His false confession ended his torture experience. "They were killing me", Al-Libi later told the FBI about his ordeal: "I had to tell them something." A bipartisan Senate Intelligence committee report would later conclude that al-Libi had lied about the link merely to stop his intense torture. He "suddenly" killed himself while being held in Qaddafi's police state, thus ending our own culpability for his unfortunate demise. And I thought only the "evildoers" in our world still do that sort of thing. Anyway, that's what I thought when I fought for our country while defending her honor in Vietnam. If we do not pay attention to these "little" things, all of us will be culpable!

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