
The USA's Veto of Shame!!

OUR USA does NOT stand for international law, and Washington does NOT follow an ethical foreign policy: In vetoing the UNSC resolution condemning the Israeli settlements, "our" USA takes the dark side in an act of crass stupidity bu "our" State Department! Apparently, the United States does not follow an ethical foreign policy, the Obama administration's pledge to produce "change" has, to all intents and purposes been assimilated by the Clinton/AIPAC axis. In vetoing the UNSC resolution condemning the Israeli settlements, our USA has taken the "dark side" - a black day for the rule of law, and an act of crass stupidity by our State Department. Shortly after taking office, Barack Obama stated in Cairo: "The United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements. This construction violates previous agreements and undermines efforts to achieve peace. It is time for these settlements to stop." On Friday, our United States of America vetoed the Arab-sponsored draft resolution in the United Nations Security Council condemning the Israeli settlements in the illegally-held West Bank, territory seized and held by Israel against International Law in defiance of countless UN Resolutions. This veto is a disaster for the State Department, and defies the notion that Hillary Clinton is a resourceful and intelligent person, rather underlining the premise that she is a hostage of AIPAC!

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