
Yuri Sosinsky-Semikhat: Why the Strange Manoeuvres of the Israeli Army?

Recent military activity of the Israeli army north of their country, and in Gaza suggests that the Israeli generals are still haunted by the ghost of the Intifada and the Second Lebanon War. The growing power of the radical Lebanese Shiite movement "Hezbollah" threatens not only northern Israel, but its central part as well, leading to the question of possible fear by the Israeli generals. The most recent incident took place on August 3, 2010, when the Lebanese army opened fire at the Israeli military which tried to cut a tree in disputed territory. Though there have been multiple flights of Israeli aircraft in the skies over Lebanon, these disturbances merely involve the containment policies of Benjamin Netanyahu. Multiple flights of Israeli aircraft in the skies over Lebanon are a completely different matter. Of course, the IDF also conducts local operations in the Gaza Strip, where the IDF spends millions of dollars on their patrols with fighters and bombers, though this does not seem to have an impact on the Palestinian missiles which always respond in kind. Though the situation in Lebanon is complicated, no political crisis has yet erupted from this activity.

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