
European Parliament issues warnings on HAARP

HAARP is a project of which the public is almost completely unaware, and this needs to be remedied! The daily lives of people seem blissfully unaffected by events about which they know little or nothing. Daily news reports unfold with no mention as to why and how the "powerful" operate behind the scenes. We pay our mortgages, book our vacations and school our children, as corporate and government elites engage in projects beyond our wildest imaginations. Conditioned from birth to accept that "all is well", or that we are powerless to affect change in a world that is disintegrating before our eyes, and conduct our lives until one day these problems affect us directly, unfortunately too late: Ask the people of Japan how they feel, and the answers they must now seek in the aftermath of unimaginable losses, while yet another future generation of their citizens is ravaged and desecrated by nuclear radiation. Nevertheless, a European Parliament document may provide a few answers: A technology called HAARP is actually a weapon, and the European Parliament has put NATO, the US Air Force, and Navy on notice, demanding an explanation on their government's involvement. The European Parliament regrets the refusal of the United States Administration to give evidence in a public hearing or any subsequent meeting held by its competent committee into the environmental and public risks connected with the high Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) program currently being funded in Alaska. A document outlines why the strange frequency of bizarre global weather and geo-tectonic disasters appear to be on the rise, and why NATO, the US Air Force, and US Navy have been held accountable for their knowledge and shrouded use of HAARP technology. HAARP may well be the most silent and deadly weapon of all time - primarily because it is invisible to the naked eye, and thus, its existence can be denied by governments, and readily dismissed by the media. Those in the forefront of probing and exposing this kind of government behavior have issued warnings about HAARP for many years, though few have paid any heed to their urgent warnings. It is my considered opinion, that the enormous disaster and tragedy which we have observed in Japan was created by those who wanted to give the HAARP weapon a thorough test.

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