
Japan's Unprecedented Nuclear Disaster Refuels

The nuclear disaster which is unwinding? in Japan has quickly refueled the debate in Europe over the risks associated with production of "nuclear" energy. Immediately after the disaster in the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear complex along Japan's east coast began, Western nuclear "experts" still tried to pacify public worries. It was, for instance argued that the "accident" involving failures of the cooling system in several of Fukushima's nuclear reactors ( yeah, right) could in no way be compared to the disaster that earlier that earlier took place in Chernobyl, in the former Soviet Union. Don't forget: X is an unknown quantity, and a spurt is a DRIP under pressure! But I digress: The explosion and meltdown of one of Chernobyl's nuclear reactors in 1986 admittedly engendered worldwide opposition opposition against civilian nuclear production, but there was no question of a repeat. Instead, the "experts" argued that the Fukushima-Daiichi "accidents" could at most be compared to 1979 accident on Three Mile Island "accident" in our US. But there was NO question of a repeat!

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