
Rick Rozoff: The Horrors on Both Sides of the Af-Pak Border

Obama has again broken his word: In December 2009, he promised that this would be the year in which American and other foreign occupation forces would be reduced, in preparation for their complete withdrawal. Within months of that promise, the "commander-in-chief" had over 90,000 troops in that conquered country, and now there are 60,000 more from some fifty other countries serving in NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). The total number now exceeds that of any other foreign military force ever before stationed in Afghanistan. The presence of American and allied troops, beginning on October 7, 2001, is the longest in the Asian nation's history, with US forces already in the country for several months longer than the Soviet troops stationed there from late 1979 until early 1989. Since Obama's pledge that US and NATO troop strength would be reduced this year, NOT a firm deadline, but an "evasion", a self-serving lie designed to take the sting out of the announcement of increased troop deployments, one the international community, self-styled and genuine, chose to take at face value. The world's only ongoing war of occupation has has stretched into not only the longest armed conflict in Afghanistan's history, but also in that of the US! During the same period, the US was occupied in killing people on the Pakistani side of the Afghan border. Drone missile attacks were launched near Miranshah, the administrative headquarters of North Waziristan in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas. A local security official told the news media that three missiles were fired at a residential compound in Dattakhel Mohammedkhel, resulting in five people being killed in an attack which completely demolished their house. On the day before, two people were killed when a missile strike from another drone went on a killing rampage against local tribes-people who had no connection with militant fighters.

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