
Veterans and Service Members Against War and Racism!

Here is our 10-Point Program: 1. We demand the right to refuse illegal and immoral orders: Service members should no longer be bound to carry out the plans of the Pentagon and Wall Street in violation of US law, international law and people's right to self-determination. Service members deserve the right to resist, without persecution, orders that conflict with their own conscience. 2. We demand an immediate end to the criminal occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. Service members should no longer be sent to fight, kill, die, be seriously wounded and/or psychologically scarred furthering the domination of US corporations over other nations. We have nothing to gain from these wars. The occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan serve only the interests of the rich, not the service the service personnel who are sent over and over to repress people who have the right to determine their own destiny. The people of Iraq and Afghanistan are not our enemies. The more than 800 US bases in 130 countries around the world should be shut down and the troops, fleets and air power brought home. 3. We demand an end to the existing officer corps. The existing class stratification in the military must end. Officers, who are overwhelmingly from more privileged sectors of society, enjoy a much higher standard of living. They are paid significantly more, are provided much higher quality housing, and have access to services not available to enlisted personnel. For the complete 10 Point Program, please check answercoalition.org

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