
Veterans and Service Members Standing Up Against War and Racism!

1. Our Service Members demand the right to refuse illegal and immoral orders. Service members should no longer be bound to carry out the plans of the Pentagon and Wall Street in violation of US law, international law and the peoples' right to self-determination.
2. They demand an immediate end to our occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.
3. They demand an end to the existing officer corps. They should no longer be sent to fight, kill, die, be seriously wounded, furthering the domination of US corporations over other nations.
4. They demand an end to racism, sexism, and homophobia currently prevalent in our military.
5. They demand an end to racism, sexism and homophobia now prevalent in the military.
6. They demand the right to a job, housing, health care and education for all.
7. They demand the immediate end to all military aid for governments in service to US imperialism.
8. They demand the immediate dismantling of the military-industrial complex.
9. They demand that all of those involved in pursuing war for profit be indicted.
10. They demand full reparations paid, with interest, to all victims of the US military.

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