
Another Israeli Attack on a Humanitarian Ship to Gaza?

This Israeli atrocity is the second time a humanitarian aid vessel was attacked by the vicious Israeli army. In the course of the last few hours, Global Research has communicated several times with the "Rachel Corrie" named after the woman who was deliberately killed by Jewish bulldozers in her mission of mercy. The vessel left the Greek port of Piraeus on Wednesday, May 11. This humanitarian initiative was sponsored by the Global Peace Foundation (PGPF), chaired by the former Prime Minister of Malaysia Mahathir Mohamad. Participating in this mission are anti-war activists and journalists, consisting of 7 Malaysians, 2 Irish (supposedly the birthplace of President Obama, or so he says!?) The ship was named after the courageous American activist who was deliberately killed by an Israeli bulldozer, when she attempted to stop the demolition of yet another humble Palestinian home! Crushed and killed, this beautiful woman died from her horrible wounds when only 23 years young! This time, her ship entered Israel without fanfare, and "The Spirit of Rachel Corrie" entered Gazan waters without being detected! Despite the Israeli Navy's radar and advanced communications equipment - most of it probably bought with American Tax Dollars, their NAVY was unaware of the Spirit of Rachel Corrie's mission!

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