
Chris Hedges: Why Liberal Sellouts Attack Prophets Like Cornel West

Chris Hedges is a war correspond all of us can trust: He chastises Barack Obama and the Democratic Party, for preferring comfort and privilege to justice, truth, and confrontation. Its guiding ideological stance is determined by what is most expedient to the careers of its members. It refuses to challenge, in a meaningful way, the decaying structures of democracy or the ascendancy of the corporate state. It glosses over the relentless assault on working men and women and the imperial wars that are bankrupting this nation. It proclaims its adherence to traditional liberal values while defending and promoting systems of power that mock these values. The pillars of the liberal establishment, the press, the church, culture, the university, the university, labor and the Democratic Party - all honor an unwritten quid pro-quo with corporations and the power elite, as well as our masters of war, on whom they depend for money, access and positions of influence. Those who oppose this moral cowardice and collaboration with corporate power are always ruthlessly thrust aside. The liberal class has become, according to Howe, "bleached out of all political tendencies".

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