
David Swanson: US House Backs Forever War!

On Thursday, the US House of Representatives backed eternal worldwide war and imprisonment powers for all future presidents, but blocked any ground troops in Libya, except for the ones already there, since the measure included no consequences for its violation. The House also unanimously created a new national holiday to celebrate the Iraq, where we stole that nation's oil, and Afghanistan, where we still use drones, in order to kill the little children, which our drone jockeys can clearly see from their safe haven in our western desert! For that, the House de-funded the US Institute for Peace, and required that all suspected "foreign terrorists" be tried by the military, and not in court, so that justice will finally be done! Amendment #50 was debated last night, and the vote postponed: This is an amendment to strip language out of that bill, which would allow presidents virtually unlimited power to launch and continue wars and to imprison people, all without any involvement of the legislative or judicial branches of our government: This is the current procedure, as exemplified by the Libya War, and by many small and secretive military operations, but its language would make it part of our laws, effectively eliminating the War Powers Act, though in sharp conflict with our Constitution!

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