
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The West is Trapped in its Own Propaganda

The "mainstream" media featured a program by the BBC World Service. I startled the program's host by when I compared Hilary's remarks to "the pot calling the kettle black". The British host hurriedly rushed to America's defense. Surely he had heard of Abu Graib, Guantanamo detainees, CIA secret torture prisons sprinkled around our world, our invasion and destruction of Iraq based on lies and deceptions, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and Libya. Surely he was aware of Hilary's hypocrisy as she demonized China, but turned a blind eye to Israel, Mubarak, Bahrein and the Saudis. Though China's record is not perfect, is it therefore completely bad? Why hasn't the Chinese Minister for Foreign Affairs criticized America, including our human rights abuses and rigged elections? Why is it that China minds its own business, and we don't? What has happened to the West is that it can see itself and others only through the eyes of its own propaganda! There was a great deal of talk about China's lack of "democracy". As the BBC program was being broadcast, the news intruded that Greeks had once again taken to the streets to protest the costs of the bailout of banks and Wall Street - the rich being imposed on ordinary people at the expense of their lives and aspirations!

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