
Eric Schmitt and David Sanger: Managing Public Perception in Libya

"President" Obama has subtly changed Washington's public explanation of its goals in Libya, claiming that he wants to assure her people freedom from 40 years of tyranny, which is what Americans got, once Obama became our "president". If regime change is now our goal in Libya, Mr. Obama's trip through Europe this week (though it was a pleasure to get rid of him for a while), was highlighted about how much time the NATO allies have to "finish the job of killing even more Libyans", though Obama claims to be their, and our "friend". Mr. Obama has urged "strategic patience", expressing confidence that over time, the combination of bombing, sanctions, and import cutoffs will force Colonel Qaddafi from power. In Obama's book of Grimm's fairy tales, everything is possible, but yu's gots to believe! But in Europe, where reality still prevails, patience is calculated differently. Many countries are struggling with the rapid pace of operations, and some, like Norway, have already said they will sharply reduce their forces beginning next month! Colonel Qaddafi, according to NATO officials, has a calculation of his own under way: Indicted by the "International Criminal Court", he now has few places to go, and nothing to lose from waiting out NATO and betting that European public opinion will tire of the bombing campaign and its cost!

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