
Imran Khan: US Drone Strikes Fueling Terrorism in Pakistan

Pakistan's opposition leader Imran Khan believes that Obama's so-called "war on terror" is breeding extremism and terrorism. In addition, US drone attacks in the country's tribal regions are a breach of sovereignty in his country! Khan, who on Saturday and Sunday led massive rallies in Karachi, demanded an end to illegal US drone strikes on Pakistani soil. He said that had the political leaders of his country heeded his advice, taken a stand against the US attacks, and opted out of the US-led coalition, this situation would not have emerged, according to Pakistan's English daily "Dawn"! The drone attacks in the tribal regions of the country, where, according to the US only militants are targeted, kill more than 90% civilians. In addition, the drones have fuelled extremism and terrorism in Pakistan's Pashtun belt, that have recently spread to other parts of his country. Tens of thousands of anti-US protesters gathered near the port of Karachi, Pakistan's largest city, to stage a two-day sit-in against what they call "violations of Pakistan's territory" by the US and NATO forces. Khan called for the blocking of NATO's supply line to put a stop to the unpopular drone attacks!

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