
Libya Buries 11 Religious Leaders Murdered by NATO

Yes, its true:On Saturday, Libya buried the 11 Imams that were killed in an attack by NATO on Friday afternoon. They were killed in a NATO bombing in the city of Brega, which also injured 50 other people. After the unprovoked attack, the Libyan government spokesman, Ibrahim Musa said in a news conference that five of the injured are in critical condition. Before the announcement of the deaths, NATO made a statement that they thought a temple of prayer in Brega was a command and control center to coordinate attacks against civilian populations - their apparent argument to justify the bombing. Belatedly, they "mourned the deaths of innocent civilians". What a bunch of crap! When I served as Advisory Team Leader in Vietnam, I was extremely careful not to use air and artillery power within range of innocent civilians. Apparently, NATO has different concerns! The intense bombardment by NATO since mid-March has left more than 200 dead and an unknown number of wounded casualties, and NATO's blood-lust has been criticized by several international players calling for a cease-fire to protect the lives of innocent civilians! Since the beginning of NATO's interference, there have been more than 200 dead, and an unknown number of wounded casualties. When will they ever learn, when will they learn!

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